Monday, November 10, 2008

Feeling Good

Well today I went for a great walk, it was really nice, a little cool in the upper 40's but felt wonderful, first half went terrific, I realize how great if felt to be outside and doing what I was doing before. I really miss running and jogged a bit here and there. My muscles wanted to cramp on me on my second half. Since my surgery, I completely avoided using the area I had surgery on and got use to using different muscles and bending completely different. Actually on my 2nd week home I never realized how many times I use to bend down a day to pick up stuff off the floor. I wonder how many times I do, I need to count and let everyone know, folks may not realize how much they really do it as well. It was an task and actually hated to bend down to pick stuff up the first few weeks after my surgery and I compensated alot. So, I think using the different muscles that are a bit sore, makes all the difference in the world. I need to do so some light core exercises to start learning to use them again. I know I should be taking it easy, and I will listen to my body. So tommorrow, stretching and core, Wednesday will be my other walk of 3.2 Wow, and it was an easy 3.2 it still felt incredibly great!!!!


ShirleyPerly said...

Yes, I'm sure you've gotten used to doing things a different way since your surgery. Interesting to hear what that count might be. I'm sure it's a lot higher than what I do since you have kids at home ;-)

CewTwo said...

Great blog, Tammy!

I know what you walked on Monday, but they don't count!

Did you walk on Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Lets enter those miles on the group website!

It is so great to have you back!

MarathonChris said...

Way to move into things a little at a time. You will be there running soon enough!