Saturday, September 27, 2008

Natural Way

Well I decided after doing some research last night and Shirley as well, I'm either going to try Acupuncture or a new thing called Prolotherapy. I'm so excited because I found out what Prolotherapy can do. Blogger buddies with injuries should really read up on this. I figured I've had to deal with doctors many times, there has got to something out there that works. Now I know for a fact that Acupuncture works, but I wasn't to sure if it would work on my neuroma on my foot much due to the injury and surgery I had. Prolotherapy helps my body rebuild new things to make it better. (tendons, ligaments, nerves) Wow, I'm getting excited thinking about it more and more. So wish me luck, staying away being put out again off my feet and going for something new and naturally so it won't take me off my training. I figured I'd take care of both the same time, but I think this is the better route. I set up a link for everyone to read up on it. Enjoy

1 comment:

ShirleyPerly said...

Thanks for the info. Fingers crossed for you!